I thought I would take the opportunity to drop into Woomera as its notoriety goes goes way back to when I was just a boy. Whenever the subject came up of the Australia’s military alliance with the US and it’s unquestioning obedience to its’ US masters , Woomera always got a mention.
Its a very military vibe in the town and you get the feeling that no nonsense will be tolerated here or you might leave with a rocket up your bum. I’m trying imagine the dinner table conversation….”How’s the new missile going dear? Oh babe it’s simply the best, talk about deadly……”. God bless our brave young fighting men and women and God bless America. Go hard guys and girls, enjoy.
I noticed that there were not the usual tourist directional signs around town, eg Caravan Park, Toilets, CBD etc. Their locations must be classified info. I also noticed that there were no people about. I’ve heard that a curfew operates between 4pm Sunday to 9am the following Sunday.
I stopped by the beautiful salt lakes, Lake Hart and Lake Gairdner. Lake Gairdner is huge, is really does look a bit like an inland sea, albeit a very crusty salty one.
Woomera should be my last camp for the north-to-south part of my trip. After Port Augusta tomorrow I turn right and head west towards Ceduna and the Eyre Peninsula.